The “Education for Life” Program that Gift Of Life Clubs implements is a behavioral Conversion process that leads participants through introspection to face the reality of their present situation (to identify, name and own behavior that is not compatible with living the Gospel values).

With Jesus as the key focus, participants are led by prayer, personal reflection, dramas, songs, personal testimonies and videos, to see that unless they do change undesirable behaviour, life in the future will lose all dignity and become cheaper, promiscuous and valueless. In essence,the programme is an opportunity to grow into freedom of choice and intimacy, a process of becoming more fully human.

Participants are divided into smaller discussion groups,and a group leader selected for each. This helps in building good relationships and develop a trustful openness in sharing with others about ones experiences of life and challenges

The sessions also involve discussions, exchange and sharing of ideas, experiences, facts and opinion on given topics. The conversations are used in both large and small groups for purposes of clarifying concepts, attitudes and values, Gathering opinions from others.

The process is based on the “helping skills” model of Gerard Egan (Egan, Gerard, “The Skilled Helper”, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, Monterey, California, 1986.), a behavioral and problem solving model. .

This process is designed to facilitate a person’s movement through the various stages of behavior change: identifying the problem, choosing goals, and planning action.

In the “Education for Life” program, the model is used to help individuals examine their lives and especially their sexual behavior, determine what behavior is safe and possible for them, and then commit them-selves to action. The group support helps in clarifying the problem and increasing commitment. Participants are helped to have knowledge and a belief that behavior change is possible.


This is a scientifically validated Life Skills Lessons & assembly program that helps children aged 7-13 to develop a broad range of personal, social, cognitive and environmental skills. It also helps children achieve their personal best in life. Our Life Skills training and Character Education components promote self-responsibility and motivate children to maintain positive relationships and respect for others.
 The Totos adventure unlimited program includes specific health and assertiveness skills that inspire children to protect themselves from secular influences and other threats

In summery, the program is tailored to different age groups and involve role-playing, worksheets and craft-based activities. The program is run around in helping children to

Become resilient young people,

healthy relationships,

Communications skills

self esteem,

Dealing with feelings - anger, sadness, anxiety

Protective behaviours


This program is based on the Christian belief and teaching of the catholic church that Human Life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains forever in a special relationship with the creator,who is its sole End. God alone is the Lord of life from its beginning until its end. No one can under any circumstance, claim for himself the right directly to destroy an innocent human being.

This program is in response to the needs of today’s teen-agers which is, “to strengthen the ability of participants to respond to the needs of the youth with respect to issues of human sexuality. The workshops also tackle issues on human sexuality, marriage, family planning and population education, specifically based according to the teachings of the Catholic Church

This program also aims at raising awareness of the injustice of abortion through marches and other forms of advocacy.


The Youth MUSIC , LITERATURE AND ARTS FOR LIFE PROGRAM is shaped by local experience indicating the positive impact that high-quality youth music,literature and arts programs have on communication, self-esteem and academic performance of young people. The goal of the program is to increase access and participation for those youth who may not otherwise have the opportunity to interact and share views and experience.

A secondary goal is to support the growth and development of youth as artists, as individuals, as students and as participants in their communities through their involvement in high quality youth arts programs.

Arts Programs also engage teens and youth in writing, reading, critiquing, and performing poetry and fiction. Youth create and perform their own original work,helped to release publications The goal of the Literary Arts Programs is to provide opportunities for youth to develop their performing,writing and reading skills, furthering their academic and personal growth.


This program is run by a qualified counsellors and through partnerships and referals. They offer a range of services including one on one sessions, mentoring program and informal counseling. Mentoring and Counseling programs offer therapeutic and supportive services to children ,youth and families. These programs provide assistance to our community's most vulnerable members by providing valuable resources and impactful partnerships.

Our goal is to establish a caring, trusted, and committed relationship with participants. Our mentors provide support, friendship, counsel and reinforcement. They serve as positive role models to young people in need.
Mentors help our youth cope with life circumstances and develop life-skills needed to make positive choices by providing guidance, encouragement, and a listening ear.

We also provide counseling for individuals, families, and groups to help build on existing strengths while teaching new ways to cope with challenges, which may include marital or child-parent conflicts, anxiety, and depression. 
Therapeutic groups are also offered according to community and school needs, such as
Acculturation, Bullying, Anger Management, Loss and Grief, Parenting Support, Social Skill

With effective counseling, clients can overcome their problems and develop skills for improving all their relationships.


Given the crucial role of women and young people to the future of this country,—and given the economic hurdles too many still face—we have made the economic empowerment a priority among our sustainability efforts. Unleashing the entrepreneurial potential of young people is one of the best ways we can make them self sustainable and one of the most effective and lasting ways we can help families and communities prosper.

Empowering women also provides more choices for women and creates female role models and mentors in places where economic opportunities have historically been limited. By investing in the success of women and young people, we invest in our own success and in the success of communities around the world. Through collaboration with other non governmental organizations (NGOs), governments and businesses,this program helps break down social and economic barriers. These programs include access to business skills training, financial services, assets, and support networks of peers and mentors.

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